What Information Goes Into a SBEM Calculation?

SBEM Calculation is a process that considers the entire information about a structure. It considers the U-Values, the thermal elements, the building fabric, as well as other elements to give a complete picture of energy and carbon emission. The Energy Performance Asset Rating (EPER) is a measure of the energy usage of the building is the result of this calculation. The EPER is the main element of the Non-Domestic Energy Performance Certificate. Software that calculates SBEM and SAP Calculations is available. Certain software offers greater accuracy and takes into account external factors.

Calculation of the SBEM As-Designed

In a typical SBEM calculation, the data needed for the calculation is divided into zones. Each zone is comprised of a variety of different types of information. For sap calculation contains the data for heating and hot water. It also includes the construction type, orientation and exposure.

The type of building will determine the amount of information needed to calculate an As-Designed SBEM. For new buildings they must complete the SAP calculation must be completed before construction begins. Once the calculation is completed, it will be used to create the first EPC for the building. However, even buildings that aren’t dwellings should undergo an SBEM calculation.

Differentialities between SAP and SBEM calculations

SAP and SBEM calculations are both used to assess energy efficiency of non-residential buildings. Both are vital for compliance with building codes and are used to create the Energy Performance Certificate. The difference between the two calculations is in the method used. The SAP calculation takes the building fabric into consideration, whereas the SBEM calculation focuses on the HVAC system in the building as well as lighting efficiency.

When a new structure is being constructed, SAP and SBEM calculations will be utilized. They also must meet the emission targets set by the government. The first EPC generated by a new construction will be an SAP calculation. Any building that isn’t a dwelling requires an SBEM calculation.

Target Emissions Rate (TER).

To determine whether a building is in compliance with Part L2A/B Building Regulations, a SBEM calculation examines the design Building Emission Rate (BER) of a structure with its calculated Target Emissions Rat (TER). The results are then summarized, and then submitted to Building Control for review.

A special SBEM software package can be used to create an TER Rate for your building. This will prove that your building is in compliance with BER regulations. The TER rate is calculated by using benchmark data from existing components, as well the actual performance data for new and upgraded components. The SBEM calculation must prove that the total BER measurement for the report proposed is lower than the actual one.

Energy performance certificate (EPC).

EPCs are an essential element of the Building Regulations and are required for new properties. The process of assessing and certifying begins with a reference building often referred to as a Reference Building. The assessor evaluates the building’s features and inputs the data into a computer program that is specialized. The computer program creates an electronic EPC rating. This is the basis for the SBEM calculation, and is required to be submitted along with an Building Regulations application.

The SBEM calculation that is approved by the government analyzes the energy performance of non-domestic buildings. It takes into account a variety of factors, such as building materials, HVAC systems, ventilation as well as glazing, to determine the energy required for heating and lighting. It also suggests ways to reduce energy usage and fuel costs.